Qwuloolt Estuary Restoration Project of the Tulalip Tribes - Landscape

Restoration Plan


Through a collaborative and iterative process of analyzing various design alternatives, project partners worked cooperatively to develop a restoration plan for the Qwuloolt Estuary Restoration Project. The main feature of the restoration plan is a reconnection of channel and floodplain processes through a significant breach in the Ebey Slough north levee. This plan was chosen from a number of alternatives that included a continuum of possibilities from: no action, tidegate modifications, multiple small breaches, a single large breach, and complete removal of the Ebey Slough north levee.

Since 2006, project partners worked to refine the preferred alternative to enhance ecological and biological objectives and to reduce overall project impacts and costs. The final designs were completed in 2012 through collaboration between the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Tulalip Tribes, and ESA-Adolfson.

Qwuloolt Project Map

Qwuloolt Estuary Restoration Project of the Tulalip Tribes - Seawolf Art
Qwuloolt Estuary Restoration Project of the Tulalip Tribes - Mallard Duck Family Qwuloolt Estuary Restoration Project of the Tulalip Tribes - Shoreline